The Australian Border Force (ABF) has released a warning advising Australians that they “may face prosecution” if they import CBD products.
CBD (or ‘cannabidiol’) is one of the non-psychoactive components of cannabis. People commonly take CBD as an oil or use it in skincare, beauty and health products. CBD is a fairly safe substance when prepared and used correctly.
However, the ABF has recently released a warning reminding people that it is illegal to CBD into the country. In the warning, the ABF advises “those attempting to import products” containing cannabis or CBD that their packages will be seized and they may face prosecution.

While some CBD products can be imported legally with permission, people who import CBD goods without permission breach the 1901 Customs Act – which prohibits cannabis. The ABF also notes that many products they have seized also make claims that breach the 1989 Therapeutic Goods Act (as in, they claim to cure or treat conditions).
According to the ABF, they have released this warning after noticing a “marked increase” in the number of CBD products that have been intercepted at the border. These products include hemp or CBD gummies, CBD oils, tinctures and skincare products. When the ABF intercepts these goods, they send them to the police for further investigation.
ABF’s Assistant Secretary, Trusted Trader and Trade Compliance, Bret Cox notes that people who are caught bringing CBD products into Australia illegally face “large fines or even imprisonment.” The Assistant Minister for Customs, Community Safety and Multicultural Affairs Jason Wood also says it is people’s responsibility to check if their hemp products are legal before importing them.
People who import these products are not only wasting their money, they risk prosecution. Anyone purchasing goods from overseas has a responsibility to check if they can legally be bought into Australia.
Some hemp products (including hemp seeds and hemp seed oil) can be legally brought into Australia under the Approval for the importation of hemp seeds and hemp derived products guideline. This does not include CBD oil. While CBD oil is commonly made from the flower of cannabis plants, hemp seed oil is made from the seeds of hemp (a subspecies of cannabis with a THC content of 1% or less).
Grow it yourselves.
I did. It’s not hard. It’s a bloody weed.
And then you’ll get the benefit of the full, unadulterated plant – rather than these ridiculous extracts, ‘concentrates’ and tinctures at stupid ‘gov-approved’ prices.
You’d grow your own carrots, tomatoes, and spuds, wouldn’t you?
What’s the bloody diff?
That is wonderful timing
As i dont watch the news and imagine it was never on there anyway as the media in this country seems to be scared of relaying Cannabis updates
Just ordered some CBD isolate from the UK yesterday as it makes a remarkable difference to initially getting to sleep and maintaining it
Does not do anything for my spinal nerve pain – only the Complete thing is good for that
Ah but it is far too dangerous
Have tried the Tinctures (not very usefu) and vaping works for me
Way too expensive the CBD in this country and weak compared to what i have been getting for years from OS
F**k you very much Aus govt scumbags
Do yo think you are protecting me somehow in your tiny little minds
While most of the rest of the world goes forward with Cannibis reform we regress
So sad
Yer WT
I know its easy but some dont have the luxury/location to do that
And CBD is a poor substitute for sure
Wow The Freedom in My Australia is long Gone Now it’s a lot China Now Crew!☹️